Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just found out that I was named to the ALA's Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers list!

That means they think that teens who generally don't like to read will like my book.
That's awseome!

Thanks American Library Association.

(Isn't this photo of the best bling ever?!)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The PUSH Antholgy is available NOW!
It's only $6.99 and features new work by all 15 of your favorite PUSH authors--
including a new poem by me! (It's over ten pages long.)

Check for more info . . .

I'll post an excerpt soon.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Yippie! More reviews.
This one is from VOYA (Voice of Youth Adovcates)

In this moving memoir, Schutz details her struggle with anxiety disorder. She has always been a perfectionist, thanks in great part to her parents' constant pushing. Shortly after beginning college, Schutz starts to experience strange symptoms-shaking, sweating, racing thoughts, and feeling trapped in her own body-which turn out to be panic attacks. The fear and discomfort of the attacks rule her life. She relies heavily on medication to regulate her days, but worries that she is only able to cope with her disorder because of the medication. Even with pills and therapists, Schutz battles fear, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Her illness bewilders her, at one point even forcing Schutz to wonder if she is doing it to herself. Schutz worries that perhaps she needs this disorder, that maybe she does not want to get well. Schutz vacillates between feeling as if she has conquered her affliction to being right back in the thick of it, feeling alone, scared, and desperate. The ending seems hopeful, but given her past, it is hard to be certain that she has overcome her demons. Written in verse, this memoir successfully conveys what it is like to suffer from panic attacks. The intense tone often feels frantic and breathless, pulling the reader into Schutz's frame of mind. Her story will have a wide appeal thanks to both its content and form. Once readers pick up this insightful debut, they will not be able to put it down.